Home / Maps
An annotated map with photos and locations of the churches, cathedrals, basilicas and monasteries of Florence, Italy.
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The map on this page is outdated! And also note this is just for the small electric buses that run in the very center of Florence and on some of the pedestrian only streets (pedonale). We just added a page with an older but still mostly accurate bus route map of Florence.
The current electric mini-buses are the: C1, C2, C3 & C4 (roughly equal to line D on the map)
The buses run Monday t... read more.
Inside the old city walls of Florence (well, what used to be the walls and is now the viale or large avenue circling the city), driving (and parking!) is limited to registered vehicles (city residents, buses, taxis, etc.) except for a small area around the main train station (Firenze SMN or Santa Maria Novella). Florentines call this the ZTL, or Zona Traffico Limitato. It is important to be aware ... read more.
Find your perfect hotel for your stay in Florence with our interactive hotel map. We'll also be adding links to specific hotels on pages throughout our site in the coming months.
(function(d, sc, u) {
var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0];
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.async = true;
s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date());... read more.
... read more.
Since last updating this page a lot of things have changed - websites are gone, maps are missing, and in general it has become harder and harder to find map images as everyone uses Google or Apple Maps on the their mobile devices and computers. The list below has been shortened (extremely - this page may actually be deleted in the future), but if you find any good maps leave us a comment and we wi... read more.
Google maps is really cool. Here is an example of what you can see. That is Piazza Santa Croce in the middle of the image (the light colored rectangle) - we will be staying on the south side. You can see the white marble of the top of the facade of the church to the right of the piazza. If you go to Google maps, click on the link that says "Satellite" on the right hand side, then put "Florence,... read more.
This is a really interesting map, taken from Baedeker's Northern Italy Handbook For Travellers, by Karl Baedeker, Fourteenth Remodelled Edition 1913 (this title is mentioned several times in the film "A Room With a View" and was integral to the "Grand Tour").
In the link above there is an audio book sample where you can here a mention of the electric trams that you can see on this map - these tra... read more.
The Medici ruled Florence and most of the surrounding territory almost continuously from the early 15th century to the early 18th century. A large part of their legacy is the constellation of villas they left: a network of rural buildings, farms, hunting lodges, and villas used as country palaces by the Medici for vacations, hunts, parties, and family celebrations.
Click on the pins in the map fo... read more.
Our new and improved dining maps are coming throughout 2014. For now, check out our Santa Croce Restaurants section - most of them have their own maps.... read more.
Here is another useful map of Florence - a satellite view (with street names, etc.) that you can zoom into, pan around and drag.... read more.
This is something new and cool - a custom map of Florence that you can search for hotels, museums, etc. Check it out. More like this on the way for other cities and towns.... read more.
Florence Church Map
An annotated map with photos and locations of the churches, cathedrals, basilicas and monasteries of Florence, Italy.
... read more.
Florence City Center Bus Map

Florence Driving Map, the ZTL explained

Florence Hotel Map
Find your perfect hotel for your stay in Florence with our interactive hotel map. We'll also be adding links to specific hotels on pages throughout our site in the coming months.
(function(d, sc, u) {
var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0];
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.async = true;
s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date());... read more.
Florence Piazzas Map
... read more.
Florence maps
Since last updating this page a lot of things have changed - websites are gone, maps are missing, and in general it has become harder and harder to find map images as everyone uses Google or Apple Maps on the their mobile devices and computers. The list below has been shortened (extremely - this page may actually be deleted in the future), but if you find any good maps leave us a comment and we wi... read more.
Google Map's Satellite Image of Florence
Google maps is really cool. Here is an example of what you can see. That is Piazza Santa Croce in the middle of the image (the light colored rectangle) - we will be staying on the south side. You can see the white marble of the top of the facade of the church to the right of the piazza. If you go to Google maps, click on the link that says "Satellite" on the right hand side, then put "Florence,... read more.
Historical Map of Florence

Medici Villas Map
The Medici ruled Florence and most of the surrounding territory almost continuously from the early 15th century to the early 18th century. A large part of their legacy is the constellation of villas they left: a network of rural buildings, farms, hunting lodges, and villas used as country palaces by the Medici for vacations, hunts, parties, and family celebrations.
Click on the pins in the map fo... read more.
Santa Croce Dining Map
Our new and improved dining maps are coming throughout 2014. For now, check out our Santa Croce Restaurants section - most of them have their own maps.... read more.
Satellite Map of Florence
Here is another useful map of Florence - a satellite view (with street names, etc.) that you can zoom into, pan around and drag.... read more.
Searchable map of Florence
This is something new and cool - a custom map of Florence that you can search for hotels, museums, etc. Check it out. More like this on the way for other cities and towns.... read more. Top experiences in and around Florence:
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Some links to external websites may be affiliate links (hotel bookings, guide books, activities, etc.). Using these services helps to support our efforts here with no additional costs to the user (you!).